Monday, December 31, 2012

Quiz of the day (50)

I enjoy answering quiz questions. If you are like me, here is a random quiz question of the day in general knowledge for you to answer or else check back tomorrow for the answer.
Most of the world has adopted Gregarion calendar with January 1st as the starting of the New Year. British and its empire, especially United States started numbering it since 1752. New Year is celebrated differently around the world with cake cutting, fireworks, ball drop and local traditions. Do you know when the first New Year Eve ball drop in Times Square, New York happened?
a) 1900
b) 1902
c) 1907
d) 1914
Quiz of the day (49) Answer: d) Sanjaya (With his vision of distant viewing, Sanjaya narrates King Drutharastra (the blind king of Kauravas) the happenings in the great Mahabharata war (between Kauravas and Pandavas) in which the dialogue of Bhagvad Gita happened)

Friday, December 28, 2012

What's cooking in my kitchen?

An advertisement caught my eye which read, it has all-in-one. The container states, it has all the essentials required for a complete balanced diet. It has protein worth nearly 3 eggs; 3 slices worth of fiber; probiotics worth 1cup; 3 servings of green; omega-3s equivalent to 3 salmons and antioxidants compensating of eating 3 cups of blueberries. "Wow" all in the form of powder, can have it as a health drink. Probably good for elderly or for a busy individual or may be even for a picky eater.
Though it has everything you need, I personally feel nothing replaces fresh produce. Most nutrients are lost in cooking, sauteing in oil, or even juicing. I can understand it may be a luxury to cook from scratch, for some. I am not a big fan of left overs nor I prefer to waste my food. Since childhood I was trained to eat freshly cooked food. Since ancient times or scientifically reheated is not good for health. I have no statistics but reheated or stored/processed food causes different ailments in our body. Our family is blessed with no allergies or digestive related disorders.
Eating well is to feel well for living well. Eating a healthy diet and exercise on a regular basis will give us a new lease on life. It is like a long distance race. Recent statistics speaks that disability has been slowly overtaking mortality. Sometimes a serious health scare prompts us for a lifestyle change. To help my family with healthy diet, new ingredients like, Quinoa has entered my kitchen. Look for my posts from next month to know more about my new now-permanent hosts of my kitchen.
Until then enjoy New Year's Eve parties!

"The only way we are going to reduce disease, is to go backward to the diets and lifestyles of our ancestors." 
-Denis Burkitt

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Quiz of the day (49)

I enjoy answering quiz questions. If you are like me, here is a random quiz question of the day in general knowledge for you to answer or else check back tomorrow for the answer.
Gita Jayanti is observed on the 11th day after amavasya (no moon day) of margasirsha maasam as per traditional Hindu Lunar calendar, which is today. 
The Bhagavad Gita is the holiest book of the Hindus. The book has around 700+ hymns, in the form of a dialogue between Lord Krishna and Arjuna. You might have read, heard the hymns, or the commentary by noted commentators. Who do you think is the narrator of Bhagavad Gita?
a) Veda Vyasa
b) Lord Krishna
c) Dhrutharashtra
d) Sanjaya
 Quiz of the day (48) Answer: d) plywood (rotary lathe used in plywood manufacturing)

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Subrahmanya Sashti
Subrahmanya pancharatnam (5 gems of the Lord Subrahmanya) is about Lord Subrahmanya who has a temple at Kukke Subrahmanya in Karnataka. I do not know the author of these gems. But sure does good, when recited with devotion on this day of Subrahmanya Sashti (sixth day after amavasya) or any day.

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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Quiz of the day (48)

I enjoy answering quiz questions. If you are like me, here is a random quiz question of the day in general knowledge for you to answer or else check back tomorrow for the answer.
The Nobel Prizes have been presented to the noble laureates for over a century on 10 December, the anniversary of Alfred Nobel's death. We all know as a fact that Alfred Nobel is famous for inventing dynamite. Do you have any guesses on what his father, Immanuel Nobel invented?
a) x-rays
b) argon (inert gas)
c) helium
d) plywood
Quiz of day (47) Answer: b) Nape (the back of the neck)